The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) sets international Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) for aviation safety, air navigation, security and environmental protection. To that effect, ICAO is a knowledge-based organization engaged in the development of intellectual property. The Revenue and Product Management (RPM) Section is part of the Bureau of Administration and Services (ADB) and is focused on revenue-generating activities of the Organization. The portfolio of revenue-generating activities includes publications, periodicals, databases, websites, training, printing and events. The revenues generated by these activities are required to promote the implementation of ICAO’s Strategic Objectives and to carry out related Programme Support. The Section is responsible for the overall strategic planning, stakeholders’ collaboration, coordination, promotion, and distribution of these sellable products in close coordination with the other Bureaus/Offices of the Organization. The Product Management Unit (PTM) is responsible for identifying, analysing and implementing revenue-generating opportunities in ICAO. In addition, the Unit conducts marketing and branding efforts to bring products to market and achieve revenue targets. Under the guidance of the Head, Product Management Unit, the intern will support the marketing team on initiatives related to its major events in the second half of 2023 including Air Navigation World, the TRIP Symposium, AVSEC Security Week and DRONE ENABLE. Additionally, the intern will be supporting the UnitingAviation digital magazine, ICAO TV video platform and ICAO Store ecommerce website marketing activities at the same time. In this context, s/he may work with different units in ICAO in collaborative business initiatives.